The below system is an example of electrical wires from a ceiling, Noted..
If your ceiling, wall, floor is different please ask, Dont take a risk,
Phone or Text Jamie +61 403.066.983 www.firecertify.com

The below system is an example of insulation to copper pipes, the same both sides of the wall, Noted..
The below system is an example of insulation to copper pipes, the same both sides of the wall, Noted..
Always Add Insulation to Copper or steel pipe

The below systems it should be noted, that it is a wall (the same on both sides) we all need to be carefull how the system was tested, (examples below) uniCollar both sides of wall as tested. This is standard.
Also noted is the slab only has a UniCollar on the bottom of the slab

https://www.firecertify.com/ 1.1 APPLICATION This manual provides information for designers of James Hardie fire and acoustically rated walls, framed from timber or steel, for use in residential and commercial construction such as: â– Separating walls in multi-residential construction â– Separating walls in office buildings â– External walls required to be fire resistant â– Bathroom linings â– Hospital corridor walls subject to trolley impact â– Wall linings in transit areas and schools â– https://www.fireprotectionbrisbane.com/, Walls in security type buildings These fire and acoustically rated walls can be used to meet a wide range of performance specifications and service requirements to suit most applications: â– For internal partition walls, https://www.firecertify.com/Villaboard® lining is the main component used. In addition, it can be used for bracing from the time of erection. â– For external cladding applications, a range of James Hardie building products are available for fire and acoustically rated construction. Villaboard lining provides advantages when acoustic performance is needed from fire and acoustically rated walling systems. https://www.firecertify.com/The dense sheet reduces sound transmission producing insulated walls that are slimmer than other traditional walling materials. These thinner walls have advantages in hotels, motels and similar accommodation venues where increased floor area is a bonus. https://www.firecertify.com/An added benefit is that James Hardie building products are resistant to damage from moisture, rotting, cracking, fire and termites when installed and maintained as specified.https://www.fireprotectionbrisbane.com/, This manual is intended to assist designers in selecting a suitable construction type, whereas general construction details are given in the James Hardie ‘Construction of fire and acoustically rated walls Technical Specification’. https://www.fireprotectionbrisbane.com/That literature provides details of framing installation, layout of sheeting, fasteners, placement of acoustic infill, control joints, corners, decorative finishes, service penetrations and more. https://www.firecertify.com/ Make sure your information is up to date. When specifying or installing James Hardie products, ensure that you have the current manual. Additional installation information, warranties and warnings are available at jameshardie.com.au or Ask James Hardie™ on 13 11 03. 1.2 https://www.firecertify.com/ RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL APPLICATIONS In residential and commercial applications, the James Hardie systems are principally for constructing: â– Separating walls between two occupancies, required to be both fire resistant and acoustically insulated. Refer to Section 5. https://www.firecertify.com/ External walls, required to be fire resistant, see Section 6. https://www.firecertify.com/ The Building Code of Australia (BCA) permits the use of lightweight framed walls in all Class 1 Buildings and in Class 2 and 3 Buildings under conditions outlined in this manual. However, this manual is not a substitute for the BCA. All relevant requirements of the BCA and other regulations must be complied with. https://www.firecertify.com/ The information provided in the manual regarding Class 1 to Class 3 Buildings includes the specific use of James Hardie fibre cement products. https://www.firecertify.com/ Generally the same principles and details apply to a Class 10a non-habitable building such as a carport, private garage, shed and the like where it touches the other class of building under consideration. CONTENTS 1 https://www.firecertify.com/ INTRODUCTION 2 1.1 Application 2 1.2 Residential and commercial applications 2 1.3 Deemed-to-satisfy BCA provisions 3 1.4 Building Code of Australia 3 1.5 Referenced documents and further information 3 2 www.firecertify.com, FIRE RESISTANCE 4 2.1 General 4 2.2 Wall type construction 4 2.3 Fire testing 4 3 www.firecertify.com, ACOUSTIC PERFORMANCE 5 3.1 General 5 3.2 Airborne sound 5 3.3 Impact sound 5 3.4 BCA performance levels 5 3.5 Testing and modelling 6 3.6 BCA acoustics compliance 6 3.7 Acoustics in practice 7 4 STRUCTURAL CONSIDERATIONS https://www.firecertify.com/ 8 4.1 General 8 4.2 Non-fire-rated systems 8 4.3 Fire-rated systems 9 4.4 Framing arrangements 10 4.5 Approved Internal Linings 11 4.6 Special applications 11 4.7 Further design requirements 12 5 https://www.firecertify.com/ DESIGN INFORMATION SUMMARY/SYSTEM SELECTION https://www.firecertify.com/ 14 5.1 General 14 5.2 System Compliance 14 6 https://www.firecertify.com/ EXTERNAL FRL WALL 19 CONSTRUCTION 6.1 Overview 19 6.2 Fire separation 19 6.3 Design requirements 19 7 EXOTEC® FACADE PANEL AND 20 FIXING SYSTEM FRL EXTERNAL WALLS 7.1 Overview 20 WE VALUE YOUR FEEDBACK To continuously improve the development of our products and systems, we value your input. Please send any suggestions, including your name, contact details, and relevant sketches to: Ask James Hardie™ Fax 02 9638 9535 literaturefeedback@jameshardie.com.au FIRE AND ACOUSTICALLY RATED WALLS DESIGN MANUAL SEPTEMBER 2015 3 1.3 https://www.firecertify.com/DEEMED-TO-SATISFY BCA PROVISIONS In the lead up to the May 2004 revision to the BCA, it became clear that occupiers of multi-residential properties are generally concerned about the amount of noise they experience. In quality residential construction, residents expect to hear almost no noise from the adjoining occupancy. To achieve this, it is necessary to design and construct separating walls with superior sound insulating properties. https://www.firecertify.com/ The previous edition of this manual dated May 2000 referred to the James Hardie preferred system that was trialled using a program of laboratory and field testing in order to combine the required levels of fire resistance with the high level of sound reduction demanded. This system now forms the basis for the Deemed-to-Satisfy provision in the BCA. The basic discontinuous system (see Figure 1) consists of two separate timber frames, lined with Villaboard lining and fire resistant plasterboard to achieve specific fire ratings. For further details refer to the dual frame systems in Section 5. The wall must be completely covered by the base sheet, without interruption, to ensure the acoustic integrity of the system. Using two separate frames further reduces impact sound transmission. Depending on the thickness of the Villaboard lining and fire resistant plasterboard used, the https://www.firecertify.com/James Hardie systems can achieve the following loadbearing and non loadbearing fire ratings: â– Timber framing: FRL of 60/60/60 or 90/90/90 â– Steel framing: FRL of -/60/60, 60/60/60, -/90/90, 90/90/90, -/120/120 or 120/120/120 To achieve the required fire and acoustic performance, the separating wall must be installed in strict accordance with the James Hardie ‘Construction of fire and acoustically rated wall Technical Specification’ for these walls. Refer to Section 3.4 for fibre cement deemed-to-satisfy solutions. NOTE The order of the linings is interchangeable. FIGURE 1 BASIC DETAILS OF THE JAMES HARDIE DISCONTINUOUS WALL SYSTEM 1.4 BUILDING CODE OF AUSTRALIA https://www.firecertify.com/The BCA is the national regulatory instrument for building construction and it includes requirements for the design and construction of lightweight walling systems. The performance based criteria allows suppliers to test and prove that the systems they recommend will satisfy the requirements set out in the BCA. The BCA specifies minimum requirements for fire resistance, acoustic ratings and impact sound insulation for internal walls in all applicable classes of buildings https://www.firecertify.com/. The information in this manual regarding the minimum requirements of the BCA may be used as a guide to, but not as a substitute for, the BCA. The BCA is subject to regular amendments and individual designs may therefore vary from BCA requirements. In selecting the right system for your application, you should determine the minimum requirements of the BCA to ensure that once the system has been selected and built, it satisfies those requirements. Ensure that you have the latest amendments of the BCA. In some of these applications, however, the design level of acoustic insulation does not always come from the BCA and instead may be specified in the design brief or contract documents. 1.5 https://www.firecertify.com/REFERENCED DOCUMENTS AND FURTHER INFORMATION The following documents are referred to in this manual: â– The Building Code of Australia (BCA). â– AS 1191 - Method for laboratory measurements of airborne sound transmission loss of building partitions. â– AS 1530.4 - Fire resistance tests of elements of building construction. â– AS 1684 - National Timber Framing Code. â– Multi Residential Timber Framed Construction (MRTFC) https://www.firecertify.com/ Design and Construction Manuals for Class 1 Buildings/Class 2 and Class 3 Buildings. For further information on timber-framed construction refer to the following publications: â– AS 1684 – https://www.firecertify.com/ Residential timber-framed construction â– AS 1720 – Timber structures â– https://www.firecertify.com/ MRTFC Manuals published by the Timber Development Council or, contact the National Timber Association in each state or territory. For further information on steel-framed construction refer to AS/NZS 4600 – Cold Formed Steel Structures, or contact Metal Building Systems or Rondo Building Services. For further information on James Hardie Building Products visit our website and download the latest James Hardie manuals at jameshardie.com.au, or Ask James Hardie™ on 13 11 03. Polyester or fibreglass acoustic insulation blanket Dual frame wall Noggings at 1350 max. centres 6mm Villaboard lining fixed horizontally FR plasterboard fixed vertically 4 https://www.firecertify.com/ FIRE AND ACOUSTICALLY RATED WALLS DESIGN MANUAL SEPTEMBER 2015 2 FIRE RESISTANCE 2.1 GENERAL The BCA specifies required levels of fire resistance for walls that separate one occupancy from another. These required levels are expressed as the Fire Resistance Level (FRL) of the wall in minutes. In the event of a fire, the fire walls provide occupants in the adjoining occupancy with sufficient time to escape safely, by ensuring the wall maintains sufficient structural adequacy, integrity and insulation. If the BCA, for example, requires a wall to achieve an https://www.firecertify.com/ FRL of 60/60/60 or -/60/60 (ie structural adequacy/integrity/insulation) the wall will have the following characteristics: â– The first figure 60 describes the wall’s structural adequacy and indicates in minutes the period after which failure might occur as the wall system under test collapses under load. A dash here indicates that there is no requirement for structural adequacy https://www.firecertify.com/ (this is typical for non-load bearing systems). â– The second figure 60 describes the wall’s integrity and indicates in minutes the period after which failure might occur as the wall system under test develops cracks or openings through which hot gases or flames can pass. https://www.firecertify.com/ The third figure 60 describes the wall’s insulation and indicates in minutes the period after which failure might occur in the wall system under test, when â– The average temperature of the unexposed surface of the test specimen increases by more than 140ºC above the initial temperature, or â– The temperature at any point on the unexposed surface increases by more than 180ºC above the initial temperature. 2.2 WALL TYPE CONSTRUCTION 2.2.1 Separating walls A fire rated separating wall, is required by the BCA to have a specified fire resistance level (FRL) as follows: â– Separating walls in Class 1 Buildings must have a fire resistance level (FRL) of 60/60/60. â– Separating walls in Class 2 and 3 Buildings must have an FRL of 90/90/90. (Refer to the BCA Specification C1.1, Tables 3 and 4 and Clauses 3.10 and 4.3 for concessions on internal wall FRL requirements) https://www.firecertify.com/ The BCA permits the use of timber framed residential construction for walls required to be fire rated within the following limits: â– All Class 1 Buildings. â– Class 2 Buildings to 3 storeys (4 storeys when the ground storey is for car parking and is of masonry or concrete construction). â– Class 3 Buildings to two storeys where access to two exits is provided or where each sole occupancy has its own direct access to a road or open space. 2.2.2 External walls The https://www.firecertify.com/ BCA Part 3.7.1 ‘Fire’ requires that the external walls of Class 1 Buildings that are within 900mm of an allotment boundary (other than the boundary adjoining a public road or other public space) or external walls that are within 1.8m of another building on the same allotment (other than an appurtenant Class 10 Building or a detached part of the same Class 1 Building), shall have a FRL of 60/60/60. Where Class 2 and 3 Buildings are of Type C construction within 1.5m from any fire source feature to which they are exposed, the external walls are required to have a https://www.firecertify.com/ FRL of 90/90/90. Refer to the BCA Specification C1.1 Clause 5 for further details. Further details covering fire resistant construction for Class 2 and 3 Buildings can be found in the Multi Residential Timber Framed Construction (MRTFC) Manuals published by the Timber Development Council. NOTE The above information may be used as a guide to, but not as a substitute for, the BCA. https://www.firecertify.com/he BCA is subject to regular amendments and individual design may result in variation to the BCA requirements. 2.3 FIRE TESTING The fire resistance level (FRL) test reports and Letters of Opinion quoted in this manual have been certified by the CSIRO Division of Building Construction and Engineering and the Building Research Association of New Zealand (BRANZ). Fire resistance testing to determine the FRL of a wall (in the form of a specimen) has been conducted to the Australian Standard AS 1530 Part 4: ‘Fire Resistance Tests of Elements of Building Construction’. The standard follows the basic principles and provisions contained in ISO-834 https://www.firecertify.com/ ‘Fire Resistance Tests – Elements of Building Construction’. 3.3 IMPACT SOUND Impact noise occurs where a vibration sound is created by some physical contact with the floor or wall through footsteps, moving of heavy objects, or the operation of household appliances such as dishwashers, washing machines and clothes driers. https://www.firecertify.com/ Impact sound between dwellings is accounted for by the requirement for discontinuous construction in certain walls. Discontinuous construction means a wall system having a minimum 20mm cavity between two separate frames, with no mechanical linkage between frames except at the periphery. A staggered wall stud is not deemed to be discontinuous construction. 3.4 https://www.firecertify.com/ BCA PERFORMANCE LEVELS The BCA concerns itself, as far as acoustic insulation is concerned, only with Class 1, 2, 3 and 9c (aged care) buildings. Therefore it covers only residential type dwellings. Commercial buildings are developed on the basis of non-BCA acoustic criteria and the designer is likely to find the required performance level in the tender or contract documents or design specifications. The BCA acoustic performance provisions for separating walls for various classes of dwellings are summarised in Table 1. † https://www.firecertify.com/ Class 2 buildings contain two or more sole-occupancy units each being a separate dwelling, refer to the BCA for more information. § Class 3 are residential buildings, other than a building of Class 1 or 2, which is a common place of long term or transient living for a number of unrelated persons, refer to the BCA for more information. https://www.firecertify.com/ NOTE Specific requirements are applicable for penetrations passing through a separating wall, refer to the BCA for details. https://www.firecertify.com/ FIRE AND ACOUSTICALLY RATED WALLS DESIGN MANUAL SEPTEMBER 2015 5 3 ACOUSTIC PERFORMANCE 3.1 GENERAL The revision of the BCA in May 2004 has brought changes in some cases not only to the level of sound insulation required between the rooms of dwellings, but also the manner in which the insulation is measured. Two modes of noise transmission are considered in buildings, namely airborne sound and impact sound. 3.2 AIRBORNE SOUND The capacity of a wall to reduce the level of airborne sound that can be transmitted through it is measured in terms of sound transmission loss. Previously the parameter STC (sound transmission class) was used to rate the performance, but our building codes have been revised to use the ISO standard, the weighted sound reduction index, Rw. https://www.firecertify.com/Certain kinds of sound, however, are more readily transmitted through insulating materials than others, for example lower frequency sounds from modern home entertainment systems with their high bass frequency output. For this reason the BCA has introduced in certain cases a spectrum adaptation factor CTR to account for this phenomenon. Adopting the CTR is also likely to minimise inconsistencies between laboratory test results and on-site test results. The CTR is a negative number, which means that the (Rw + CTR) value of a building element will be less than its Rw rating. TABLE 1 * Class 1 buildings are single dwellings being either a detached house or one of a group of two or more attached dwellings, each being a building, separated by a fire-resisting wall, including a row house, terrace house, town house or villa unit. Boarding houses and the like may be included into a Class 1, refer to the BCA for more information. https://www.firecertify.com/ BCA ACOUSTIC PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR CLASS 1, 2, 3, AND 9C https://www.firecertify.com/ DWELLINGS SEPARATING WALL DISCONTINUOUS ACOUSTIC RATING FIGURE 2 AND CONSTRUCTION REQUIRED TABLE 2 REQUIRED REFERENCE NO. https://www.firecertify.com/ Between a bathroom, sanitary compartment, laundry or kitchen and a habitable YES Rw + CTR not less than 50 room (other than a kitchen) in an adjoining Class 1* building (dwelling). Between a bathroom, sanitary compartment, laundry or kitchen in one sole- YES Rw + CTR not less than 50 1 occupancy unit from a habitable room (other than a kitchen) in an adjoining Class 2† or 3§ unit. Between a Class 2 or 3 sole-occupancy unit and a plant room or lift shaft. https://www.firecertify.com/ YES Rw not less than 50 Between a Class 2 or 3 sole-occupancy unit and a stairway, public corridor, NO Rw not less than 50 2 public lobby or the like, or parts of a different classification. Between sole-occupancy units in a Class 9c aged care building. NO Rw not less than 45 Between a sole-occupancy unit and a bathroom, sanitary compartment NO Rw not less than 45 (not being associated ensuite), plant room or utilities room in a Class 9c aged care building. Between a sole-occupancy unit and a kitchen or laundry in a Class 9c YES Rw not less than 45 aged care building. In all cases different to those listed above NO Rw + CTR not less than 50 3 3.5 TESTING AND MODELLING https://www.firecertify.com/ 3.5.1 Acoustic test reports The acoustic test reports quoted in this manual have been certified by the CSIRO Division of Building Construction and Engineering. Acoustic measurements are made in one-third octave bands from 100 to 5000Hz. It is convenient to simply compare the performance rating of different assemblies by expressing the result as a single number, https://www.firecertify.com/Rw. Systems used in building construction are tested under laboratory conditions to establish their sound insulation characteristics. The method of measurement is described in AS1191 ‘Acoustics – method for laboratory measurement of airborne sound transmission loss of building partitions’. https://www.firecertify.com/ 3.5.2 Acoustic modelling Based on the test results indicated above, acoustic modelling for the James Hardie wall systems was undertaken by Koikas Acoustics Pty Ltd. 3.5.3 Lab test results vs field performance The results determined in the laboratory indicate the potential acoustic performance of a wall system when installed with a high degree of workmanship. https://www.firecertify.com/Inevitably, values achieved in the field will be lower, depending upon the quality of workmanship during the installation, and the sound paths that can be created around the wall by other components of the building. Measurements have shown, however, that laboratory results can be achieved in the field, where there is particularly high attention to detail in both design and installation. 3.6 https://www.firecertify.com/BCA ACOUSTICS COMPLIANCE 3.6.1 General Compliance with the sound insulation performance provisions of the BCA can be achieved either by construction in accordance with the Deemedto-Satisfy Provisions or on-site testing. Table 2 illustrates James Hardie Party Wall Solutions to Table 1 and Figure 2, in regards to Class 2 and 3 buildings only. Simply match the wall system number in Figure 2 with the acoustic solutions in Table 2. Refer to Section 5 in this manual for a comprehensive range of systems for steel and timber frames. 3.6.2 https://www.firecertify.com/Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions The Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions are acceptable construction methods that comply with the acoustic performance requirements of the BCA. Refer to Table 2 for details. 3.6.3 On-site verification testing Compliance of walls to the BCA can be achieved by using the verification method, namely on-site testing, with performance levels as follows when tested in accordance with AS/NZS 1276.1 or ISO 717.1: â– Walls separating sole- https://www.firecertify.com/occupancy units require a weighted standardized level of difference with spectrum adaptation term (DnT,w + CTR) not less than 45. â– Walls separating a sole-occupancy unit from a plant room, lift shaft, stairwell, public corridor, public lobby, or the like, or parts of a different classification require a weighted standardized level of difference (DnT,w) not less than 45. 6 https://www.firecertify.com/FIRE AND ACOUSTICALLY RATED WALLS DESIGN MANUAL SEPTEMBER 2015 Lounge Stairway Lounge Corridor UNIT 1 UNIT 2 UNIT 3 2 Bath 1 FIGURE 2 MINIMUM ACOUSTIC PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR CLASS 2 AND 3 DWELLINGS TABLE 2 NOTES ON TABLE 2 Insulation for wall system 1; 50mm thick glass wool insulation or 60mm thick polyester insulation with a density of 11kg/m3 ; positioned between one row of studs; Insulation for wall systems 2; 50mm thick glass wool insulation with a density of 11kg/m3 or 60mm thick polyester insulation with a density of 8kg/m3 , positioned between studs. 3.7 ACOUSTICS IN PRACTICE 3.7.1 https://www.firecertify.com/General the ability of James Hardie fire and acoustically rated walls to reduce airborne sound depends on four factors: 1. Mass of the linings and their intrinsic characteristics 2. Width of the wall cavity 3. Framing configuration 4. Inclusion of a fiber blanket or batts as sound insulation into the cavity. To achieve the performance results stated in this manual, particular care must be taken to seal between the frame and primary structure (eg at a deflection head). Any gaps in the wall system can lead to substantial losses of acoustic rating. The systems presented in this manual provide excellent acoustic performances that range up to an Rw of 68. 3.7.2 Acoustic insulation Acoustic performance of a wall system can be improved (ie Rw + CTR values increased) https://www.firecertify.com/ by installing an absorbent fill in the cavity. This is usually an acoustic grade fiberglass or polyester blanket, or batts not less than 50mm thick. When using a blanket, take care to avoid sagging of the blanket and do not leave any gaps as the acoustic performance will be reduced. A simple method that avoids this is to drive nails into the studs. https://www.firecertify.com/ Place the nails near the edge of the stud and skew the nails to avoid contact with the other frame. https://www.firecertify.com/ Then hang the blanket on the nails. SYSTEM Diagram Configuration Diagram Configuration â– Steel or timber dual stud â– Steel studs single frame frames, (Two rows of One row of 92mm steel Rw + CTR 50 90 x 35mm timber studs Rw 50 studs, refer to Section 4 or two rows of 64mm steel for further structural Load bearing studs at 600mm centers.) Load bearing considerations. (JH 234)- https://www.firecertify.com/, Timber Refer to Section 4 for (JH 414)-Steel â– 6mm Villa board lining (JH 434)-Steel further structural each side. Considerations. Non-load bearing â– 13mm fire resistant Non-load bearing â– 6mm Villa board lining (JH 314)-Steel plasterboard each side. (JH 334)-Steel each side. https://www.firecertify.com/ Wall insulation, see notes. â– 13mm fire resistant â– Studs at 600mm Max. Plasterboard each side. Centers. â– Wall insulation, see notes. â– Studs at 600mm Max. Centers. https://www.firecertify.com/ FIRE AND ACOUSTICALLY RATED WALLS DESIGN MANUAL SEPTEMBER 2015 7 DEEMED-TO-SATISFY ACOUSTIC ONLY PERFORMANCE PROVISIONS WALL SYSTEM WALL SYSTEM NOTES: 1. Timber frames cannot be used for this wall configuration. >_ >_ https://www.firecertify.com/ 1 2 ON SITE VERIFICATION JAMES HARDIE PARTY WALL SOLUTIONS Rw + CTR 50 Refer to Section 5 for a comprehensive range of James Hardie acoustic and fire wall systems for steel and timber frames. BCA compliance of these systems can be achieved using on-site verification testing, refer to Clause 3.6.3 3 >_ 8 FIRE AND ACOUSTICALLY RATED WALLS DESIGN MANUAL SEPTEMBER 2015-- https://www.firecertify.com/-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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A firewall is a fire-resistant barrier used to prevent the spread of fire for a prescribed period of time. Firewalls are built between or through buildings, structures, ...
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